Oh Those Hackmans
You know the Hackmans?
You know. The ones who are always talking about infertility?
Oh! Those Hackmans.
Okay, so that’s not how #OhThoseHackmans came to be. Haha. Truthfully, I just wanted a hashtag so that I could find all of the pictures of us in one place. (Did you know that’s what hashtags are for?!) I’m not even sure how that became the thing I typed out however many years ago, but it stuck. Friends shout it out to us at random… usually more like “you wascally wabbit” than recalling which specific Hackmans we are. It’s fun.
I like that we’re a pair. We go together, me and Daniel Hackman. We belong to each other, and it’s been that way since day one.
Day one was THIRTEEN years ago, by the way. And we officially became those Hackmans more than NINE years ago when we promised to spend forever together. So, we’re not relationship experts or anything, but man, we have loved each other through some hard things (remember, we’re the ones who are always talking about infertility). And through some really amazing things too! Mostly, we just love each other through the every day. The magic mundane, the moments that make up a life. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I’ve always loved to document that life. All the little things. Collecting stories, moments, photos. It’s kind of my thing. I treasure them. But I realized recently that I haven’t been taking that many photos. I guess I haven’t felt like documenting this challenging season we are in. My collection of photos tagged #OhThoseHackmans has been sadly lacking. But I don’t think that will be the case much longer. Because I also realized that each season deserves some documentation, some reflection. Especially this one.
See, we are pursuing parenthood. Which is an extremely precious time - no matter what road you are taking to get there. (IVF for us.) But this is also the sweet season where we are still a family of two. Just us belonging to each other. No matter how or when our family grows, we chose each other first. And we will continue to do just that. I want to honor this season of us and remember it well for all the joy it has brought. It’s not just a season of waiting together, it’s a season of being together. That’s something to be celebrated in the moment. We don’t get it back.
You know the Hackmans?
You know. The ones who laugh ALL the time, the ones who still like to hang out with each other, the ones who face challenges together, the ones who make a really awesome team?
Oh! Those Hackmans.
Yep, that’s us.